
May 6, 2022

Judged Exhibits



Artistic Design

Events & Activities

Dr. Matthew Borden

Plant pathologist at the Bartlett Tree Experts Research Laboratories in Charlotte, NC.

Sherryl Belinsky

Award-winning photographer focuses on flowers in the garden.

Bryan F. Peterson

Award winning photographer, author and co-founder of The Bryan Peterson School of Photography.

Emilie Carter, ASLA

Landscape architect with Phyto Studio who focuses on creating ecologically-functional landscapes.

Shaun Spencer-Hester

Executive director and curator of the Anne Spencer House and Garden Museum

“Mix it Up” Cocktail Party

Botanical-inspired adult beverages surrounded by blooms of the late-season garden.

Robert Llewellyn

Award-winning photographer introduces the world of micro-photography.

Thomas Woltz, FASLA

Acclaimed landscape architect addresses social and ecological sustainability in designed landscapes.

Francoise Weeks

Innovative haute couture creations and woodland designs made with foraged plant materials and flowers.


Day One

Day One of the Symposium features presentations by acclaimed artistic designer Francoise Weeks, landscape architect Emilie Carter, ASLA, of Phyto Studio, and pre-recorded presentations by photographers Sherryl Belinsky and Bryan F. Peterson. Spectacular artistic design, horticulture and photography exhibits take center stage upon conclusion of judging, and a botanical cocktail mixology event provides a perfect ending to the day.

  • September 20, Tuesday
  • 11 a.m to 7 p.m

Day Two

Day Two events include presentations and discussions by landscape architect Thomas Woltz, FASLA, plant pathologist Matthew Borden, DPM, of Bartlett Tree Experts, Director and Curator of the Anne Spencer House and Garden Museum Shaun Spencer-Hester and photographer Robert Llewellyn. Visitors will also have another opportunity to view the artistic design, horticulture and photography exhibits.

  • September 21, Wednesday
  • 9:30 a.m to 2:00 p.m

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